Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Front Cover Discussion with target audience

After discussing my magazine Front Cover with my teacher, we decided I needed something on both sides of 'Vita', as the left side was previously blank. Due to this I moved the writing at the bottom to the side and moved 'Vita Wardle' down, then for another copy I added a stamp of a new album release to fill the space.

I showed both copies to 15 boys and 15 girls of the age range 15-25 and asked their opinion on which they preferred. 

Some people believed that the 'Vita Wardle' further down looked better but the artists on the left side made the cover too crammed. The overriding judgement was that the right cover was the better as it stopped the cover from looking too busy but necessarily filled the space on the left side of the 'Vita'.  

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